Saturday 14 March 2015

NetGL Sample scenes

After downloading source code from link above open NetGL.Constructor.UI.Main.xaml.cs C# code file and find line #76, method SetScene(). There you can uncomment various samples like text adding to scene, different geometry, interactive or not.

Uncommenting AddPlane() and AddLights() methods will add two lights and normal mapped plane to scene:

Uncommenting AddSpheres(), AddShakeLight() and lines 195, 196 will result:
"Drunk" camera effect achieved with:
Tween technique will be covered in future posts.

Hello, NetGL!

NetGL is an open-source 3D visualization engine for .Net desktop applications. It is written on C# and uses OpenGL inside. NetGL is not just a thin OpenGL wrapper - it is a high level 3D engine. It's architecture is a lot like Unity3D, you don't need to have a deep understanding of how video adapter works to create interactive visualization.

It comes in handy when you need 3D visualization inside your WPF or WindowsForms application but don't want dive into raw OpenGL development (SharpDX, SlimDX, OpenTK).

The simplest scene code will look like this:

 This code will be rendered:

If you are familiar with 3D development you know that creating same scene using raw OpenGL can take thousands lines of code: rendering context setup, shaders, a lots of linear algebra, etc... 

NetGL library is now in beta and being actively developed. High performance, low memory usage and understandable and maintainable code are primary goals. Both, WPF and Windows Forms, are supported. Under the carpet NetGL uses modern OpenGL approach, it means that Jurassic methods like glVertex() are never used, but VBOs, VAOs and programmable conveyor are utilized to achieve better performance and more capabilities.

Below you can see early feature demo:

Next blog posts will show more details of NetGL usage.

PS: If you have a vacancy for young, motivated and talented 3D developer feel free to contact me